Hey friends! Welcome to The Soul Purpose. My name is Madelynn Duke. I am 22 years old and I am newly married to the love of my life, Joseph Duke. In January of 2020 we will be moving from a small town in Alabama to the loud and lively New Orleans, Louisiana. Big changes are heading our way and I'm so excited to share our journey with you all!
My heart has many loves in that I have always had a passion for writing, connecting with others, photography, traveling, and all things fashion. I have always struggled with balancing all of the things I love and finding a way to bring them all together. But with starting a blog I finally have a place where all come together! So, you're probably thinking, "I'm glad you are living the dream, but what's the point?" The point is YOU! You are the why, the how, and the SOUL purpose behind the dream.
In high school, I was probably the most shy person you would ever meet. I was an anxious, fearful, intimidated teenager with NO self confidence. I thought everything about me was an awkward, weird, mess of a mistake. I was not part of the popular or cool crowd which only hurt my sad attempt to conform to the world. I was losing myself in a sea of lies, brokenness, and pain. But, I found my Soul Purpose when I was 17 years old. I discovered that being myself was exactly who I was supposed to be in a time such as this. I found that my confidence and truth lied within the true King. I stopped trying to be everyone else and started being who I was created to be.
Since then I have made it my mission to help others find freedom, joy, and confidence in who they are. Whether it be through finding the perfect outfit, finding peace in the awkward, or laughing through the weirdness; I hope to share the secret to being yourself and absolutely loving it. So... that brought us to The SOUL Purpose.
So tune in every week for SOUL food, fashion tips, NOLA finds, and more. I am so excited to share this journey with you!!!